These are scenes which, due to changes in plot or length of book, had to be deleted from the final...
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Overview of Highland series
There are sixteen MacDougal brothers, all tall and fierce warriors, most with blue eyes and dark hair. They stoutly defend what’s left of the once-mighty...

Highland Menage series: MacDougal clan in 16th century Scotland
Clan MacDougall is descended from one of the sons of Somerled, ‘King of the Isles’, killed in 1164. At one time Lords of Lorn, possessing much land...
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Captive Bride excerpt: Highland Menage book 1
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Boxed sets: a great way to meet new authors
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After an author has been published for a while, how to do you get new readers to try your books?...

My home is a mess and I don’t care! (recovering my craziness so I can write)
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More Highland Ménage research in Scotland
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There are six more MacDougal brothers eager for their stories to be told in my Highland Ménage...

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